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What to do in order not to fall asleep at the wheel

Sleeping behind the wheel is one of the worst dangers that can lie in wait for the driver and lead to tragic consequences. What if you need to quickly get to your destination, and your eyes stick together treacherously?
With mild drowsiness, ordinary drinking water will often help. It nourishes all the cells of the body and helps your internal mechanisms work smoothly.
The most popular remedy for drowsiness is a cup of invigorating espresso or green tea (to taste). For a more reliable effect, you can drink a cocktail from an energy drink and cola - it will cheer you up better than any other drinks. However, be prepared for increased nervousness, impatience, and anxiety. Despite these side effects, this method is justified in the case when nothing else can save.
Not only the aforementioned drinks, but also some foods help to feel alert. Nuts, dried fruits - all this will help your brain work, preventing it from falling asleep. Always keep them handy for long, sleepy trips. Another energy product is the most common apple. Thanks to a number of vitamins and minerals, this popular fruit has a slight tonic effect. Beware of fatty foods and fast food - after such a meal, you most likely will want to take a nap, but you do not need it at all.
As you know, fresh air gives strength and energy. Therefore, if you want to sleep, but you can’t get out of the car for five minutes, walk for a few minutes, inhale the air (naturally, on a non-carbonated part of the path) and go on.
"Atmosphere of vivacity" can be created inside the car auto. To do this, you can spray a citrus or herbal aroma in the car interior, which will stimulate the activity of your brain. But relaxing odors (like mint, needles or lavender) are best avoided.
In matters of combating drowsiness behind the wheel, a lot of music decides a lot. The lounge is hardly suitable for this - it is better to give preference to rock hits or dance rhythms. The ideal song in this case is the one whose words you constantly want to sing along.
There is another tool that will help you maintain your tone throughout the trip - this is a communicative satellite. If it so happens that you travel alone, do not be afraid to pick up travel companions (of course, if only their appearance inspires confidence in you). For the most part, these are kind and sociable people who will not let you relax, will entertain you with conversations, and perhaps even thank you financially.