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What speed is lethal for a pedestrian?

What speed is lethal for a pedestrian?

On its official Twitter page, the National Police posted a post in which law enforcement officers reminded Ukrainians of the speed limit in settlements and permissible speeds for safe movement around the city.
With their tweet, the police wanted to draw the attention of drivers to the importance of observing the speed limit, since it is the speed of a moving car that determines the life of a pedestrian and the immediate risk of death during an accident.
So, the police found that the probability of death in an accident involving a pedestrian and a car moving at a speed of 30 km / h is 15%. If the car flies into a pedestrian at a speed of 50 km / h, this probability increases four times - 60%. If on the instruments the arrow shows more than 60 km / h, most likely the pedestrian is no longer a tenant after such a collision and is unlikely to be able to leave the scene of the accident with his own feet.