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Problems in the automotive industry and where does Brexit?

Problems in the automotive industry and where does Brexit?

Perhaps very soon the French concern PSA Group will switch to separate production of cars: for the UK and the rest of the European Union. As the head of the PSA Group concern, Maxim Peak, said, This scenario is quite real if the British and the rest of the European community do not find a compromise on Brexit.
2019 will be the year of the UK's official exit from the European Union. In this regard, the kingdom government is actively negotiating with the EU on a civilized way to break relations. However, there are a number of issues that have become a stumbling block, and the parties can’t agree on anything.
If a new treaty between the British monarchy and the European Union is not signed, which would regulate their relations after Brexit, this will inflict a big blow on the European automotive industry. According to experts, British automakers will suffer billions in losses, and automakers from mainland Europe will suffer in this chain of events.
The French business of the PSA Group will also experience the unpleasant consequences of Brexit. Alternatively, they should be prepared to produce cars for both Misty Albion and mainland Europe. Such a development of the situation for the French will be economically beneficial. And here's why: after England left the EU without an agreement between the united kingdom and the European Union, financial transport communications will slow down. Which will undoubtedly affect the automotive industry, supply and production. However, the decision hangs in the air, and what the outcome of the “divorce” will be, time will tell.