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Should I switch from gas to gas

Gas prices involuntarily make you think about the prospects of installing gas equipment on a car. However, many car owners are afraid of such changes due to common myths, for example: because of gas, valves burn out, motor resources are reduced, the car has to be repaired more often. In practice, everything is not so scary at all. If you undergo maintenance on time, you can avoid many unpleasant consequences and drive a gas car up to half a million kilometers without major repairs.

What benefits will the driver bring from gas to gas and how much is it reasonable from a financial point of view - let's try to figure it out below.

To begin with, it should be understood that there are two types of gas equipment: CNG and LPG. CNG is for methane (compressed gas), the second is for propane-butane (liquefied gas).

Each of these types has its pros and cons.

Merits. If we talk about the advantages of methane plants, it is necessary, first of all, to mention global trends. In many European countries, such equipment is subject to a special tax regime: instead of 0.047 euros for 1 kV / h of energy received from gasoline and 0.073 euros for the same amount of energy from diesel, a motorist pays only 0.015 euros for 1 kV / h of energy received from engine operation on methane. There are special international quotas related to the negative impact of methane on the environment, as well as reduced excise taxes on such cars.

Alas, Ukraine has not yet developed a regulatory framework governing taxation issues and special rules for the operation of methane vehicles, as well as encouraging its owners.

Disadvantages. The disadvantages of methane equipment can be listed a lot. This is a significant damage to the environment, as described above, and restrictive measures for the operation of methane transport in many foreign countries (for example, a ban on entering nature protection zones, etc.), and an underdeveloped network of gas stations, and the need for frequent checks and maintenance of methane plants.

In addition, methane equipment for passenger cars in Ukraine alone is difficult to find on sale - with us, CNG plants are most often used only in buses and trucks. It is easier to buy a car that has already been equipped with these settings at the factory. Ukrainian dealers offer options as models OpelEcoflex, IKCOSamand, IKCOSoren and IKCOSaipa.

Another feature of methane plants is the relatively small power reserve. After full refueling, the car can go on methane only about 200-300 km, then there is an automatic transition to gasoline.

Price issue. Installation of methane equipment will cost you about 15-30 thousand UAH, of which most of the cost is the cost of the cylinder itself.

Financial gain. The average price per cubic meter of methane in Ukraine today is about 12.6 UAH, while diesel and gasoline prices average about 19-22.5 UAH per liter. As you can see, the savings are really significant, but given the need for frequent trips to service stations and gas stations, which can be at a considerable distance, this savings is reduced to about 20%.

Payback period. According to experts, the CNG installation will pay for itself in about 40-70 thousand kilometers.

Merits. Drivers choose propane-butane, first of all, for its low price - this gas is a by-product of oil refining, therefore it costs very little. It should be borne in mind that the legislation does not provide for any environmental bonuses for LPG equipment.

The advantages of propane cylinders should include their small size. Moreover, the power reserve at one gas station of a standard 60-liter cylinder is more than 600 km, which is two times more than the same indicator for a car on methane.

Disadvantages. In order to convert a six- or eight-cylinder engine “under gas”, you have to invest significantly in separate electronic control units with injection and gas lines with pumps. If you are the lucky owner of a Lanos or dozens with a four-cylinder engine, you will have enough simple HBO, which is quite inexpensive.

Price issue. Installing the simplest HBO of the first generation will cost you from 6 thousand UAH, and the cost of work is already included in this amount. A cylinder that was already in use will cost you even less. About 20-30 thousand UAH will be spent on re-equipment of six- and eight-cylinder engines.

Financial gain. The price of 8 UAH per cubic meter of propane really seduces. At first glance, the benefit is about 60% compared with the price of gasoline. However, it is worth considering that to compensate for the power, the gas flow will have to be significantly increased. As a result, real savings will be around 30%. However, this is a very good result.

Payback period. If we take as an example a car consuming 10 l / km, it is easy to calculate that the simplest installation of HBO payback 

it runs after 10 thousand kilometers, and more sophisticated equipment - in the first 50 km of propane run. The exact payback period depends on each individual driver, on the operational characteristics of the car and on the number of kilometers traveled on it for a given period.

Conclusions and Prospects
The analysis shows that propane plants in current Ukrainian realities are much more profitable than methane ones. If you intend to drive one car for several years, then you should seriously think about converting it “under the gas,” as this can lead to significant savings in your finances. If you are used to changing cars like gloves, or if you drive no more than 10 thousand km per year, the purchase of expensive HBO installations simply does not make sense.

CNG equipment for compressed gas also should not be discounted. In connection with the European integration processes in Ukraine, a regulatory framework is already being prepared, which may lead to the introduction of a number of incentive measures for the operation of cars on methane. And this means - for methane equipment, soon, perhaps, the green light will also light up.