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There is a possibility of canceling the deregistration procedure

A proposal was received from the All-Ukrainian Association of Automobile Importers and Dealers (VAAID) to completely cancel the procedure for removing cars from the register. This issue was raised at a joint meeting with the leadership of the Office of Registration and Examination Work of the State Customs Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

VAAID Director General Oleg Nazarenko said: “Why is it needed? For queues? You can sell a car to a buyer without removing it from the register! And deregistration, on the contrary, infringes on the rights of a motorist. You can’t go abroad for a car, because there is one number on the registration certificate, and another on a red transit car, you can only go on red transit in Ukraine for 60 days, and the registration certificate is cut off and is not formally valid, because such the procedure is not provided for by any regulatory act. ”

Oleg Nazarenko argued his proposal by the fact that at least there would be no need to pay for extra design. It will also become more convenient for the state, since it will not have to spend money on additional “pieces of paper” and operations.

So far this is just a proposal, but the association hopes that soon it will be supported by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and later the Cabinet of Ministers.